Lynn B. Mann
Hi, thanks for visiting my author website. You can find out more about me below, or go straight to the pages for my books BEING, Being 21 and Being A Woman, where you’ll get an overview of them, and a link to buy online. They are also available wherever you choose to buy books. On the Stuff page you’ll find an assortment of news and updates, and you can also sign-up to my email list there, or at the bottom of this page.

It’s in the air. It’s palpable. Women have had enough!
Enough of: pressure to conform to restrictive beauty and body image standards, inequality in pay, carrying the domestic load as well as the lion’s share of caring responsibilities, and the endemic sexism and male violence in our society. In short, all that most women in the Western world have to contend with on a daily basis by being brought up and living in an inherently sexist, patriarchal culture.
BEING A WOMAN holds the antidote to the poison that infuses our lives. It’s an eye-opening journey through our lives as women and girls, and answers the questions:
Where are we? How did we get here? Where do we go from here?
Lynn B. Mann has written a roadmap to help every woman navigate the terrain from overwhelm, frustration and anger, towards awareness, understanding, and empowerment. And it’s also for every man who wants to understand more, and be part of the change that would create different experiences for all of us.
I LOVE writing. It's what keeps me sane and happy. My first books are:
BEING: Awake, aware and experiencing life as your authentic self - Click here
Being 21: Towards greater self-understanding in 21 questions - Click here
BEING A WOMAN....Who's had enough!? - Click here
I've got a lot of books in me still to write, so if you like what I write be prepared to be with me for the long haul!!!
I've always written, even as a child - I asked for a typewriter for my 10th birthday. It's only in the past few of years though that I've really got serious about applying myself to it in a more structured, consistent way. Previously, in my twenties and thirties, I had 22 different jobs (that I can remember) ranging from aerobics instructor, lab technician, and lighting merchandiser, to researcher and director in television.
I finally found my vocation in training and working as a counsellor/therapist, and running stress management workshops. On a career break, after the agency I worked for closed, I co-founded a food business, producing cold pressed rapeseed oil, and infused oils, on our family farm. It’s now a multi award-winning supplier to retail and foodservice customers throughout the UK, and around the world - www.supernature.uk.com
I'm also an Ambassador for Women’s Enterprise Scotland – www.wescotland.co.uk
I live on the outskirts of Edinburgh. As well as spending time with family and friends, I write, walk, sleep lots, do yoga (badly), and volunteer with a homeless charity.
Connect with me:
News sign-up: www.lynnbmann.com
Facebook: Lynn B. Mann and/or BEING
Instagram: lynnb.mann and/or beinglbm
Twitter: @LynnBMann1 and/or BEING_LBM